University of Mississippi student, painting class at Greenfield Farm. Photo by Kevin Bain for University of Mississippi Marketing and Communications 


The University of Mississippi will own and operate the facilities.

UM has green-lit the project. We’ve raised $4.2 million in capital funds.

Funding for the first five years of operations and the first five years of stipends comes from the Robert M. Hearin Support Foundation of Jackson, Mississippi.

The Julia Reed Charitable Trust of Greenville, Mississippi, has underwritten the construction of the kitchen at the gathering pavilion. 

A grant from the Mississippi Hills National Heritage Area funded an historic building survey and a cultural landscape report.

The State of Mississippi and the Gertrude C. Ford Foundation have contributed to capital costs.

Donors include: Ouida Drinkwater and Wayne Drinkwater, Rob Forster, The Do Good Fund, Lee Anne Fry and Bill Fry, Mary Haskell and Sam Haskell, Dr. Mit Hobbs and Lenore Hobbs, Dr. Dan Jones and Lydia Jones, Dr Michael Koury and Mary Madeline Koury, Patty Lewis and Will Lewis, Stewart Madison, Judy Reed and Clarke Reed, Kelley Zelesky and Lou Zelesky, and…